Forms & Requests

Change of Instruction Mode Request

Submit a formal request to change how your class format.

CORS Camera System

The CORS (Clinical Observation Recording Systems) Camera System provides groups on campus with a centralized system to facilitate research, evaluation and coaching via video recording and observation. Departments are responsible for purchasing the equipment and providing support in conjunction with the vendor for their cameras. A central administrator is responsible for overseeing the license assignments, creating departmental administrators and coordinating annual/semi-annual updates over the year.

Creating New Programs

The process of proposing a new academic degree program or making changes to an existing program can be lengthy. In fact, the process can take two years or longer. All proposed changes begin with internal review (including possible revision requests) and approval—by department/college faculty and Undergraduate Council or Graduate Council, as appropriate. Depending on the type of change, a proposal may then require approval from the UA Board of Trustees, the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) and/or SACSCOC.

Resource Request Form

The Resource Request Form should be submitted when a college is requesting resources (space or funding) from the Office of Academic Affairs. The resource request must be submitted in a timely manner to allow appropriate evaluation and planning.

The deadlines are:

– January for summer work

– March for any project to be included in the Annual Capital Development Plan submission to the board of trustees

– July for winter break work

– October for spring break work

Upon approval of the resource request, if a Construction Administration Project Initiation Request is required to proceed, attach the approved Resource Request Form to the Project Initiation Request.