Built by Bama Core Curriculum

Built by Bama Core Curriculum


Our new general education curriculum, a result of collaboration among over a hundred faculty and staff, combines UA’s strengths with modern practices, aiming for rigor and relevance in preparing graduates for a complex world.

Aligned with Alabama community colleges and various accreditation requirements, the framework will be finalized in the next six months for spring 2024 student recruitment. The fall 2025 class will be the first to enroll under this catalog.

Explore the approved Built by Bama Core Curriculum and follow along as we develop the details for this historic moment in UA’s history.


James T. Dalton, Ph.D

Executive Vice President and Provost

The University of Alabama



The core curriculum weaves diverse disciplines, cultivating well-rounded scholars with broad knowledge and skills. It fosters critical thinking, effective communication and a shared intellectual foundation.


Students can acquire an additional area of expertise that will explicitly complement their major or minor. Shaping their experience in ways that meet the demands of a changing world.


The Core Curriculum Oversight Committee (CCOC) oversees the core curriculum’s implementation, interpreting it and making changes when necessary.



About the Built by Bama Core Curriculum

Development & Implementation Timeline

Fall 2022

Faculty referendum was held and changes to the general education curriculum was endorsed.

Spring-Summer 2023

In conjunction with Provosts Greer and Peterson,140 faculty and staff members made recommendations for the Built by Bama Core Curriculum implementation.

Fall 2023

Faculty and staff committees began work on:

  • Creating a general education oversight structure.
  • Mapping existing courses to the Built by Bama Core Curriculum.
  • Working with the Office of Admissions, the Registrar’s Office, UA-AAA and additional UA advisors and the transfers program (currently in Admissions).
  • Developing the UA First-Year Experience (FYE).
  • Determining proficiency requirements for English, foreign language and math.
  • Building out Pathways for coordination with the Built by Bama Core Curriculum.
Spring 2024

Faculty and staff committees continued their work:

  • Continue work with admissions, registrars, advisors and transfers offices/programs.
  • Align catalog in accordance with fall 2025 rollout.
  • Submit courses and designations to the CCOC for expedited review and endorsement.
  • Approve refinements to courses and majors and update course catalog.
  • Define and create a mechanism for collecting graduation data on community-engaged learning internship/co-ops, study abroad and undergraduate research opportunities.
  • Map college/school courses to curricular Pathways.
  • Publicly announce fall 2025 launch of UA’s new general education core curriculum.
  • Begin recruiting/admission of the first cohort of first-time undergraduates who will fully complete their degrees under the requirements of the new core.
Fall 2025

Matriculate class of 2029 as the first students who will fully complete their degrees under the requirements of the Built by Bama Core Curriculum.