Committed to excellence, we support faculty, students and administrators in teaching, research and service at The University of Alabama. From data provision to budget management, we serve our scholarly community's dynamic needs.


UA News Center

Delve into narratives that showcase the profound and diverse ways in which UA’s students, faculty and staff are leaving an indelible mark on the world. These stories unfold as a testament to the collective dedication and expertise that the UA community brings to the global stage.

Celebrating Our Faculty

Faculty awards serve as vital recognition of academic excellence, innovation, and dedication among the university’s esteemed faculty members. These awards play a crucial role in honoring individuals who demonstrate outstanding contributions to teaching, research, service and leadership.

Shelby Institute

Founded in 2023 and guided by the vision of Senator and Dr. Shelby, the Shelby Institute utilizes experiential learning, undergraduate research and civic engagement to teach students about policy, leadership and public service.


In the final days of his 2023 U.S. Senate tenure, Richard Shelby secured a historic $100 million endowment for The University of Alabama—the largest in its history.


The new educational plan aims to create a strong foundation that supports all majors and minors. It helps students graduate on time, switch between majors smoothly and pursue double majors or minors. The system is flexible, allowing students to choose from various electives or follow specific themes during their studies ensuring a well-rounded education.


The University of Alabama strives to elevate faculty development through specialized workshops and resources, nurturing a culture that promotes continuous learning and academic excellence.

Locate details on professional growth prospects, tenure, sabbatical options and resources available on campus.

Shelby Institute for Policy & Leadership

The Shelby Institute for Policy and Leadership is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary and student-focused establishment dedicated to educating and training future leaders of the state and nation.

OAA & Faculty Events Calendar

OAA and Faculty Affairs host events year-round whether it’s for development or recognition.