Pathways consist of a series of courses drawn from UA’s core curriculum, interconnected by a broad topic that students can explore from multiple perspectives. Through Pathways, students learn how different disciplines approach a similar line of study. They also gain a clearer understanding of the value of general education and liberal arts study. Students who take courses that are tied together by a shared theme, or Pathway, will begin to see how everything they are studying can create a wholistic learning experiences that is greater than the sum of its parts. Readings, assignments, and conversations become meaningful together – not just as pieces of separate academic knowledge and background that students are required to obtain.

1. Integrate Core Concepts: Students will be able to integrate insights from multiple academic disciplines to develop a comprehensive analysis of complex human questions, showcasing the ability to synthesize diverse approaches and perspectives.
2. Evaluate Discipline-Specific Approaches: Students will be able to evaluate how different fields apply their unique skills and methods to investigate and propose solutions for common societal and global challenges, identifying strengths and limitations of each approach.
3. Investigate Interdisciplinary Solutions: Students will be able to compare and contrast interdisciplinary approaches to global problems, analyzing how combining methods from various fields can enhance or complicate the understanding and resolution of those problems.
Pathways Requirements
Yes. Students can complete graduation requirements without doing a Pathway. We encourage them to do it, however, since it can be completed without taking any additional courses and provides a useful credential on their transcript.
Students will be able to add/drop a Pathway through an online form. This link will be available before fall 2025 registration begins. The link will be accessible through the Add/Drop Majors and Minors page on and will be included here as soon as it goes live.
Students will be able to see their progress through a Pathway in Degree Works.
View all courses in each of the Pathways below.
A PDF of the Pathways courses can also be viewed in Degree Works once you have added the Pathway
Each semester, all students in a Pathway will be invited to attend guest lectures and social events. Students will interact with people from across the university and have chances to make new connections and friendships.
For the 2025-26 and 2026-27 catalogues, courses are added through direct negotiations between departments and the Office for General Education. Starting in 2027, departments will be able request to have a course added to a Pathway through the Course Inventory Management (CIM) system. Please contact Dr. Margaret Peacock, Director of Pathways, at, for more information.
Yes. Two more Pathways are projected to rollout in the fall of 2026. They are currently being debated and reviewed by the Core Curriculum Oversight Committee and the Undergraduate Council. Final decisions on these Pathways will be made by the end of spring 2025.
Yes. The third course can have a USGC and/or W attribute, as long as it also has the needed Pathway attribute.
Students in the Pathways will receive benchmarking assessments when they register for a Pathway, and then again when they complete the Pathway. Students will be assessed on their acquisition of their respective Pathway’s student learning outcomes.
It is good to mention that the Pathway can be done without adding more classes (assuming there their third, non-core course, is in their major or minor). Remind students that market studies have shown a desire for these skills among employers and that they will receive a credential on their academic transcript (as well as a graduation cord!).
Please send all questions to Dr. Margaret Peacock, Director of Pathways in the Office for General Education, at