Framework for Faculty & Advisors

A tailored education for every student's future.

Framework | Faculty and Advisors

The Built by Bama General Education core curriculum is designed to cultivate adaptable, resilient, and engaged citizens prepared to lead in a complex and interconnected world.  The educational framework aims to establish a cohesive and unified core, serving as a foundational base for all majors and minors. This curriculum balances broad academic exploration with opportunities for students to pursue double majors or minors.  The framework emphasizes critical thinking, effective communication, and interdisciplinary learning, creating well-rounded scholars equipped for lifelong success. 

These requirements are applicable to students who begin earning baccalaureate credit as a degree-seeking student at The University of Alabama fall 2025 and after.  Students who begin earning baccalaureate credit at The University of Alabama prior to fall 2025 who change their catalog term to fall 2025 or after are also subject to these requirements.  


First-Year Compass Course | 2-5 hours
  • The First-Year Compass Course sequence provides students with tools for academic success and critical thinking. 
    • UA 101 (1 credit hour): A foundational course introducing students to the UA community and university-level learning. Transfer students take UA 201
    • College-Specific Compass Courses (1-5 credit hours): Discipline-specific courses focusing on success strategies tailored to each student’s college and major field of study.  
Written Composition | 3-6 Hours
  • EN 103 (3 credit hours): Advanced English Composition OR 
  • EN 104 (3 credit hours): Honors English Composition OR 
  • EN 101 & 102/103 (6 credit hours): Students with a high school GPA below 3.0 will complete a sequence of EN 101(English Composition I) and EN 102 (English Composition II) or EN 103 (Advanced English Composition) OR 
  • EN 120 and EN 121 (6 credit hours): Non-native English speakers will complete a sequence of EN 120 (English Composition I Multilingual) and EN 121 (English Composition II Multilingual), which also satisfy the World Language Proficiency requirement of the general education. 
Natural & Mathematical Sciences | 11 Hours
  • 8 credits in courses approved for the Natural Science designation 
  • 3 credits in courses approved for the Mathematical Science designation 
History, Social & Behavioral Sciences | 9 Hours
  • 9 credit hours of courses approved for either the History or Social and Behavioral Sciences designation with at least 3 credits from courses approved for the History designation 
Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts, & World Languages | 9 Hours
  • 9 credit hours of courses approved for the Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts or World Language designations with at least 3 credits from courses approved for the Literature designation 
  • World Language Proficiency | 0-8 Hours
    • How to meet the standard prior to arriving at UA: 
      • Complete and pass two years of world language in high school as documented on the official high school transcript. 
      • Meet the criteria to receive a Seal of Biliteracy. 
      • Complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science at a postsecondary institution that is fully accredited by one of the six agencies listed in the Undergraduate Transfer Credit Policy
    • How to meet the standard after admission:
      • Complete and pass a two-semester sequence of introductory language courses in a single world language (6-8 semester hours) at UA. Students may also transfer an equivalent sequence from another postsecondary institution, subject to the Undergraduate Transfer Credit Policy. In addition to satisfying the world language proficiency requirement, these courses will also count towards the fulfillment of the Humanities/Literature/Fine Arts/World Language general education requirement. 
      • Complete and pass UA’s written composition sequence for non-native speakers of English, EN 120 and EN 121. Students who complete this sequence will also satisfy the Written Composition requirement of the general education. 
      • Complete a world language placement exam at UA and score high enough to be placed at the 201-level or above. Students placing into the second part of an introductory language sequence course (102) will satisfy the world language proficiency requirement after successfully completing the 102 course. 


U.S. & Global Citizenship | 3 Hours
  • 3 credits in courses approved for the U.S. and Global Citizenship designation. The U.S. and Global Citizenship requirement must be satisfied by coursework taken at UA. 
  • Courses may be approved to carry both the Writing and U.S./Global Citizenship designations. Completion of 3 credits of coursework approved to carry both designations will satisfy both requirements. 
Advanced Writing | 3 Hours
  • 3 credits in courses approved for the Writing designation. The Writing requirement must be satisfied by coursework taken at UA. 
  • Courses may be approved to carry both the Writing and US / Global Citizenship designations. Completion of 3 credits of coursework approved to carry both designations will satisfy both requirements. 


Pathways are an optional element of the Built by Bama General Education, offering students a way to specialize their coursework around thematic interests.  The following Pathways are currently offered: 

  • Global Engagement Pathway: Explores global issues and cross-cultural communication 
  • Executive Systems & Structures Pathway: Examines the political, cultural and economic frameworks shaping societies 
  • All Pathways consist of 9 hours of coursework that have been approved for inclusion in the specified Pathway and fall into the three categories listed below: 
    • 3 credits in courses approved for the Social & Behavioral Sciences or History designation 
    • 3 credits in courses approved for the Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts or World Language designation 
    • 3 credits outside of the Foundational Core 

Courses required for students’ majors, minors or concentrations can also be used to fulfill Pathway requirements, but courses may not be double counted across multiple Pathways. 

Policy on Core Curriculum Course Transfer Credit

With the exceptions of the First-Year Compass Courses, Writing and U.S./Global Citizenship requirements, core curriculum requirements may be satisfied using coursework completed at another institution or earned through Credit by Examination, provided the equivalent courses awarded have been approved for and currently carry core curriculum designations at The University of Alabama. Per the Undergraduate Transfer Credit Policy, transfer courses will be evaluated and equivalencies assigned based on the inventory of course offerings active in the catalog at the time the student’s transcript is received for evaluation.   

Policy on Changes to Core Curriculum Classes

Review of core curriculum courses is an ongoing process. New courses may be approved and added to the list of those that meet core curriculum requirements. The core curriculum designations for existing courses may be discontinued. A course carries a core curriculum designation if the course is approved at the time the course is taken. Students are responsible for ensuring that the designation is in effect at the time the course is taken, which can be confirmed by reviewing the core curriculum course list on the  Office of the University Registrar website.  


If you are an academic counselor or advisor needing answers to student questions about the new Built by Bama (BbB) General Education program, this page has been built for you. 

This dynamic page will be updated as the UA advising community articulates new questions, contact

This version of the Q & A was last updated on December 6, 2024. 

Basic BbB Informational Questions

What is Built by Bama? 

Built by Bama is UA's new General Education (GE) program, launching fall 2025.  

What's the difference between "general education" and "core curriculum"? 

General Education goes beyond core curriculum course requirements. BbB updates UA’s previous core curriculum requirements, first set in place in the 1980s, and offers optional cross-collegiate enhancements that students can pursue, creating a more comprehensive and flexible approach to General Education. 

What's the purpose of the new Built by Bama program?

UA faculty developed the Built by Bama General Education (BbB GE) to enhance student retention and success, both during their time at UA, and after graduation. Through an extensive benchmarking process over several years, faculty identified and integrated several high-impact educational practices proven to improve graduation rates and student satisfaction. 

Where can I find an overview of all the BbBGE requirements?

For the basic framework of the BbB GE program (types of courses, number of hours, etc.), click here.

When does the new Built by Bama GE program begin? 

BbB GE takes effect in the fall 2025 semester. 

Which students are required to follow the new Built by Bama GE requirements? 

All first-time UA students arriving in fall 2025 will follow BbB GE requirements. This includes new-to-UA transfer students.  

How will the new curriculum affect current students? 

The Built by Bama GE requirements only apply to students enrolling in fall 2025 and later. Existing UA students will proceed under their current catalog. Existing UA students can opt into a newer catalog—as they always have—but they must meet all the requirements in the new catalog (i.e., the new BbB GE requirements, plus any changes to their majors or minors in the new catalog).

*Note that students cannot return to an old catalog once they’ve opted into a new one.*

What key requirements should already-matriculated students consider before opting into the new BbB GE 2025-26 catalog? 

Since every student is different, this list of considerations is not exhaustive, but these are some common considerations students should make before opting into the new catalog: 

  1. World Language status | If a current student has already passed the necessary six (6) hours of approved Computer (C) designated courses under a pre-BbB GE catalog substitute for World Languages, they will be judged to have met the BbB GE World Languages (FL) requirement. If a current student has not passed six (6) hours of those courses, they will need to meet the requirement through World Language courses. Note that Computer courses are no longer an option for meeting the World Languages requirement. 

    Current students may also demonstrate they have met the World Languages requirement through one of the options noted here, under the Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts & World Languages dropdown. 
  1. Legends 101 courses | Current students changing to the new catalog would not, and may not, enroll in Legends 101 courses. Those courses are designed and reserved for first-time UA students. 
  1. College-specific first-year courses | Current students changing to the new catalog may be required to take their college’s first-year class. Students need to contact the receiving college’s advisors for clarification on the requirements.
Is there an experiential learning (EL) requirement in the new Built by Bama General Education program?

Not for fall 2025. An EL requirement will be in place for the fall 2026 catalog. The scope and governance of that requirement is in development. Once those elements have been finalized, OGE will communicate them to the campus. 

Does the new BbB GE require students to take additional core curriculum credit hours beyond the pre-2025 catalog? 

Depending on the student’s individual situation, the new BbB GE requires fewer hours to complete than the legacy UA core curriculum. Note that students must still complete a minimum of 120 credit hours to receive their degrees. 

What are some ways that students can take advantage of fewer required core credit hours?

One of the primary motivations for reducing the number of core curriculum course hours was to enhance a student’s ability to be intellectually curious. At a basic level, students should use the additional hours to explore classes and topics that interest them. Beyond that, having fewer required core credit hours makes it easier for students to double major, double minor, or complete one or more GE Pathways. 

Foundational Core Requirements

What are the First-Year Compass Course (FYCC) requirements? 

Students must complete UA 101: Legends (1 credit hour), introducing them to the UA community and university-level learning. Transfer students must take UA 201: Legends (1 credit hour). All incoming students must also complete a college-specific first-year compass course (ranging from 1-5 credit hours). UA students who change majors and move to a different home college should check with an advisor in the receiving college for more information about that college’s FYCC.  

How are students placed in First-Year Written Composition courses (3-6 credit hours)?

Placement is determined by incoming high school GPA, as designated by the English Department in 2024:  

  • GPA ≥ 3.0: Students take EN 103 or EN 104 (Honors equivalent)
  • GPA < 3.0: Students take EN 101 and EN 103

Non-native English speakers: Complete EN 120 and EN 121, satisfying both the first-year written composition and the world language proficiency requirements. 

What are the ways students can meet the World Language Proficiency requirement?

Students can fulfill world language requirements by:  

  • Completing a two-semester college sequence of the same world language. 
  • Passing a placement exam at the 201-level or higher. Students can access UA’s proficiency exam here
  • Documenting two years of high school world language study. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions tracks students’ high school world language credits. If a student has met this standard, it will be reflected in the student’s Degree Works record. If a student claims to have completed two years of high school language study, but that completion is not available on their Degree Works record, the student should request a re-evaluation of their high school transcript from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
  • Achieving the Seal of Biliteracy. See the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy agreement.  
  • Earning an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree at an accredited institution. 
  • Note
    • Non-native English speakers fulfill the requirement through EN 120 and EN 121, which also satisfy the First-Year Written Composition requirement. 
    • “C” courses no longer count as world language courses for this requirement. 
    • A student who takes one or more courses to meet their world language proficiency may count these hours toward the Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts, and World Languages Foundational Core category. 
What are the credit requirements for the Foundational Core categories? 

The Foundational Core Curriculum is comprised of three areas: 

  • History and Social & Behavioral Sciences: 9 credit hours (at least 3 credit hours must be in History). 
  • Humanities, Literature, Fine Arts and World Languages: 9 credit hours (at least 3 credit hours must be in Literature). 
  • Natural & Mathematical Sciences: 11 credit hours (8 in Natural Sciences with labs; 3 in MA 110, STAT 101 or higher). 

Note: The AGSC-designated History and/or

Can AP or transfer credits satisfy BbB GE requirements as they do in older catalogs? 

Yes, provided they align with UA-approved BbB GE courses. 

General Education Pathways (New for 2025-26) 

What are the Advanced Core requirements? 

Yes, provided they align with UA-approved BbB GE courses. 

What are GE Pathways, and how do they benefit students?

Advisors should encourage students to consider a Pathway early in their academic career. GE Pathways are optional credentials that a student can attain while completing their GE courses. Each GE Pathway provides a thematic focus to a student’s foundational core coursework. For 2025-26, two GE Pathways are available: Global Engagement and Executive Systems & Structures. Students receive a credential on their academic transcript when they complete a GE Pathway. Graduates also receive a GE Pathways graduation cord

What courses are required to complete a GE Pathway?

Each GE Pathway requires:  

  • 3 credits from a foundational core social/behavioral sciences or history course in the respective GE Pathway. 
  • 3 credits from a foundational core social/behavioral humanities, fine arts, literature, or world languages course in the respective GE Pathway. 
  • 3 credits from an approved course in the respective GE Pathway outside the foundational core. 

What courses are available in each GE Pathway? 

Discover what courses are in each GE Pathway using the “What if” tool in Degree Works (add a GE Pathway and then click on the corresponding .pdf files to see the list of courses) or by navigating to the GE Pathways webpage. 

Can courses completed at another institution count towards a UA GE Pathway? 

Yes, if a student transfers in credit for a UA course that carries a UA GE Pathway designation, then that counts towards a student’s fulfillment of the GE Pathway. 

How can students add a GE Pathway? 

Students or their advisors may sign up for a GE Pathway through the link on the “Change of Major/Minor” registrar’s webpage or through the GE Pathways webpage. Degree Works pages refresh for the student every 24 hours. Approximately 24 hours after signing up for a GE Pathway, students can expect to receive a welcome email.

How can students declare and track their GE Pathway progress? 

Students can declare a GE Pathway at BamaBound, during advising, or retroactively, after completing required courses. GE Pathway progress is tracked through Degree Works and GE Pathway credentials are noted on transcripts. 

What happens if a student registers for, but does not complete, a GE Pathway? 

Incomplete GE Pathways do not impede graduation eligibility provided a student has completed their other BbB GE requirements. 

Advising Support and Contacts 

Who should advisors contact for questions about specific components of the GE curriculum? 

Visit the Built by Bama General Education webpage. For additional questions, please reach out to:, or for more information about: 

  • GE Pathways: Dr. Margaret Peacock, Director of GE Pathways ( 
  • Legends 101 Compass Courses: Dr. Jennifer Roth-Burnette, Director of F-Y Compass Courses ( 

Legends 101

Legends 101 is a new course designed to introduce incoming UA students to the university's academic culture, sparking their intellectual curiosity and fostering their development as scholars and academic citizens. This course is mandatory for all first-year and first-time transfer students under the Built by Bama General Education plan, starting in fall 2025.

Legacy Core Curriculum