Section IV

Other working groups.

Committees, councils and organizations whose members are elected.

Employee organizations, academic councils or committees whose membership is broadly representative across campus and whose members are elected.

For information on committees and committee members, please click on the committee name listed. To submit committee updates, email Christie Crowe at

Academic Program Review Council

DIVERSE REPRESENTATION: Comprising 38 faculty members from various colleges, ensuring diverse perspectives and expertise in the review process.

BROADER INVOLVEMENT: Council membership includes essential ex officio members, broadening the scope of the review process.

TERM & RENEWAL: Members serve a standard three-year term with an option for renewal, promoting continuity and fresh insights.

Ainsley GilpinA&S2027
Phil HarrisA&S2025
Jimmy IrwinA&S2026
Steve TroutA&S2027
Tanja JonesA&S2025
Jeff MeltonA&S2026
James McNaughtonA&S2026
Catherine RoachA&S2026
Tom RobinsonA&S2025
Ignacio RodenoA&S2026
Jason SenkbeilA&S2025
Greg SzulcezewskiA&S2025
Doug LightfootA&S2027
Matthew LaFevorA&S2027
Peter BrummandCCB2027
Allen Johnston CCB2027
Stanford WestjohnCCB2026
Shane StinsonCCB2025
David Mothersbaugh CCB2027
Matthew BarnridgeCCIS2026
Anna EmbreeCCIS2025
Mercedes Morales-AlemanCCIS2026
Cecil RobinsonCCIS2025
Jason ScofieldCHES2027
Kristi Crowe-WhiteCHES2026
David HardyED2025
Karri HolleyED2025
Stephanie WindED2026
Anwarul HaqueEN2026
Margaret KimEN2024
Ryan SummersEN2026
Derek WilliamsonEN2025
Yang XiaoEN2026
Ross BryanHC2027
Mirit Eyal-CohenLaw2026
Michele MontgomeryNursing2026
Todd SmithNursing2026
Dione KingSW2026
Hyunjin NohSW2027
Ex-Officio MembersCollege/Division
Chris ColemanOIE
André DenhamGS
Julie ProctorOIRA
Vincent ScalfaniUL
Adam Sterritt SL
Daniel StricklandOUR

Faculty Senate

DUTIES: The purpose of the Faculty Senate is to aid The University of Alabama in making judgments on questions of policy, development, and operations and thereby to assist the University in its continuing quest for excellence. It seeks to accomplish this goal by:

1. Facilitating and encouraging meaningful input on matters of general faculty concern.

2. Providing a readily accessible channel of communication through which continual dialogue and exchange of information and ideas may be carried on between the faculty and university officials.

Graduate Council

DUTIES: Review, evaluate and provide recommendations to the Provost/Academic Vice President on proposals for new graduate programs and on existing programs on a continuing basis; promote quality in graduate programs; develop University-wide policies on graduate students; develop policies on financial aid for graduate students and develop agenda for graduate faculty meetings.

COMPOSITION: Consists of faculty members elected by the graduate faculty within each college or school providing graduate programs on the basis of one member for each ten percent or major fraction of graduate faculty membership and of graduate student enrollment (each unit has at least one). The Dean of the Graduate School shall serve as chairperson. Six faculty members and two graduate students are appointed by the President’s Office on recommendation of the Dean of the Graduate School. One faculty member is appointed by the Faculty Senate. The following shall serve as ex officio members: Executive Vice President/Provost and Dean of University Libraries.

REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost

Merger or Discontinuance of Academic Units Committee

DUTIES: To represent the faculty as a whole in cases where merger or discontinuance could result in termination of a faculty appointment. Determine whether merger or discontinuance of an academic unit would benefit the educational mission of the University as a whole. This determination will be based essentially on educational considerations similar to those that affect the President’s decision and the recommendations by Deans and the Provost/Academic Vice President. In accordance with “Principles and Procedures for Merger or Discontinuance of Academic Units,” effective November, 1994.

COMPOSITION: The members of this committee shall consist of nine tenured faculty members who are not members of the University Mediation and Grievance Committee, with three members elected by the Faculty Senate, three elected by the Graduate Council, and three elected by the Council of Deans. No person elected by a group shall be a member of that group at the time of election, and the Council of Deans shall not elect any person who is a current member of the Council of Assistant and Associate Deans. No two of the three serving members elected by a group shall be faculty members of the same college or school (other than the Graduate School). Members completing a term on the Committee are not eligible for re-election until two years have passed. The Committee elects its own chairperson from among its members at the start of each spring semester.

REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost

Steve Buchheit, Business, 2024, Council of Deans
David Albright, Social Work, 2025, Council of Deans
Sara Kaylor, Nursing, 2026, Council of Deans
Brenda Smith, 2025, Graduate Council
Amanda Thompson, 2024, Graduate Council
Karri Holley, 2023, Graduate Council
Don Chaney, 2024, Faculty Senate
Kevin Shaughnessy, 2023, Faculty Senate

Office/Clerical/Technical Staff Assembly


President: Allyson Holliday

Past-President: Sherry Phillips


Treasurer: Lynette Scales

Secretary: Lacee Nisbet

Parliamentarian: Cassie Schultz


Nancy Boyd, Alabama Productivity Center
Judy Carter, Residential Life Administration
Darlene (Dee) Cook, Residential Life Administration
Judy Davis, Student Health Nursing
Linda Cox, Executive MBA
Alesia Darling, Aerospace & Engineering Mechanics
Danielle Datcher, Safe State
Anita Davidson, ADAP
Leslie Davis, Dean’s Office HES
Lydia Ellington, Museums
Carolyn Fulmer, Student Life (SGA)
Jennifer Fuqua, English Department
Dianne Gilbert, CCB Student Services
Dixie Hamner, Economics, Finance and Legal Studies
Frances (Lynn) Hamric, Mechanical Engineering
Amanda Leigh Herring, University Registrar
Todd Hester, Museums
Stephanie Hicks, Biological Sciences
Allyson Holliday, University Libraries
Vera Johnson, University Libraries
Marina Klarić, University Libraries

Vivian Liveoak, Alumni Calling Center

Lacee D. Nisbett, English Department
Deborah Parr, Alumni Affairs
Clothelia (Clo) Pattton, HES Course and Lab Fees
Sherry Phillips, Student Life (Fiscal Affairs)
Marion Reed, Academic Outreach
Jennifer Lea Richardson, University Libraries
Lynette Scales, Technology Transfer
Kim Vickrey, Facilities
Carolyn Walker, Chemistry
Cyndi Elliott, Student Life
Kimberly Jones, University Programs
Rina McCormick, Geological Sciences
Wescott Youngson, Brewer Porch
Tricia Lowery, Admissions
Cassie Schultz, UA Student Center
Mac Hackney, P Card Services

Professional Staff Assembly Rep
Thomas Ksobiech, Assoc. Dean for Admin & Comm

Professional Staff Assembly

The University of Alabama Professional Staff Assembly (PSA) is a democratically-elected voting body committed to representing the needs of professional staff to our University administration. How is “professional staff” defined? If you meet the following criteria, then you are considered professional staff:

Employees of The University of Alabama holding full-time regular professional (non-faculty) positions that are eligible for full benefits and classified Equal Employment Opportunity 3 or 5 (EEO 3 or 5) shall be considered members in the professional staff employee group.

Working with Human Resources and other departments at the University, the PSA addresses such important employee issues as healthcare coverage, parking arrangements, child care possibilities, benefits tailoring, and more. Elected members interface with the Faculty Senate, OCTSA and several other agencies of the campus community to more fully serve the needs of employees.

Undergraduate Council

DUTIES: Review, evaluate and provide recommendations to the Provost on proposals for new undergraduate academic programs and significant changes to existing academic programs; engage in review of existing academic programs; promote quality in undergraduate academic programs; and review and develop University-wide policies for undergraduate students including the areas of admission and retention, scholarships, advising and financial aid.

COMPOSITION: Consists of faculty members elected by the faculty within each college or school providing undergraduate degrees on the basis of one member for each 1,000 undergraduate majors, with each qualifying college/school having at least two members, as outlined in the Bylaws. The Honors College will also select one member from its faculty. The Provost (or designated Associate Provost) will serve as chairperson. One student member is appointed by the SGA and one non-Greek student representative is appointed by the Vice President for Student Life. One faculty member is appointed by the Faculty Senate. The following shall serve as liaison members: Dean of University Libraries (or representative), University Registrar, the Dean of Students, Dean of College of Continuing Studies and the Director for Institutional Effectiveness.

REPORTING CHANNEL: Dr. James Dalton, Executive Vice President and Provost


Luoheng Han, Sr. Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Chair

Policy Subcommittee
Jeremy Zelkowski, Curriculum & Instruction, Engineering, 2025, Chair
Ryan Summers, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Engineering, 2027
Amy Traylor, Social Work, 2025
Diana Gomez, Marketing, CCB 2027
Greg Kubacki, Civil, Metallurgical & Materials, Engineering, 2026
Haley Townsend, Capstone College of Nursing, 2027
Sarah Hartley, Communication Studies, C&IS, 2027
Jeff Melton, American Studies, A&S, 2025
Mina Kim, Art & Art History, A&S, 2027
Jim Karrh, Marketing, CCB, 2025
Karen Miller, Accounting, CCB 2026
Anne Franklin Lamar, Honors College, 2025
Kevin Shaughnessy, Chemistry & Biochemistry, A&S, 2025
Marie Azrad, Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management, HES, 2026
Tigran Melkonyan, Economics, Finance and Legal Studies, CCB, 2027
Curriculum Subcommittee
Lizzie Elder, Health Science, HES 2025, Chair
Deborah Weiss, English, A&S, 2027
Jason Senkbeil, Geography, A&S, 2026
Kabe Moen, Mathematics, A&S, 2027
Sara Maria Sorentin, Gender & Race Studies, A&S, 2026
Alexis Davis-Hazell, Music, A&S, 2025
Caroline Parsons, Communication Studies, C&IS, 2026
Xuwen Zhu, Information Systems, Statistics and Management Science, CCB, 2027
Chris Whaley, Finance and Legal Studies, CCB, 2025
Katie Grayson, Management, CCB, 2025
Elizabeth Jernigan, Marketing, CCB, 2026
Candace McCain, Marketing, CCB 2025
Libba Woodruff, Kinesiology, Education, 2025
Travis Atkison, Computer Science, Engineering, 2026
Weihua Su, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, Engineering, 2025
Beth Todd, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering 2025
Lauren Creel, Consumer Sciences, HES, 2027
Andrea Sartain, Capstone College of Nursing, 2025
Avani Sha, Social Work, 2027
Shane Stinson, Assistant Professor, CCB, Faculty Senate Representative


Olivia Frazier, 2025

Connor Higgins, 2025

Stacy Jones, Student Life

Emy Decker, University Libraries
Denny Savage, University Registrar
Amanda Ingram, OTIDE
Ginger Bishop, Institutional Effectiveness