Administrative and coordinating councils.
The University has created a number of administrative and/or coordinating councils to improve communication and coordination between and among units. These councils play an important role in the execution and development of policy. Members are appointed by virtue of their administrative/leadership positions or by their deans.
For information on committees and committee members, please click on the committee name listed. To submit committee updates, email Christie Crowe at
- Academic Space and Schedule Oversight Committee
- Council of Assistant and Associate Deans
- Council of Deans
- Human Relations Council
- Interim Program Coordinating Council
- Educator Preparation Council
- Technology and Learning Committee

Academic Space and Schedule Oversight Committee
DUTIES: The committee is created for the purpose of evaluating and making recommendations pertaining to classroom scheduling policy, classroom utilization and classroom scheduling procedures. The specific purposes of the committee may include the following responsibilities:
– Evaluate the University’s class and event scheduling policies and recommend changes to the policies, as the committee deems.
– Serve as reviewers and final decision makers on exception requests from departments relating to class scheduling.
– Ensure consistent and equitable application of scheduling policies across all colleges.
– In conjunction with the Office of the University Registrar, help to set up and monitor class and event scheduling software to include scheduling rules and approval.
– Evaluate and make recommendations regarding the University’s course inventory approval process and timeline as it relates to course scheduling and
– Review classroom utilization statistics and make recommendations to scheduling policy and/or procedure in order to align with the University’s mission, vision and strategic goals.
– Review classroom “ownership” to insure classrooms are being used in the most efficient manner.
– Communicate changes in policy and procedure to all colleges and departments.
COMPOSITION: The Committee shall include one representative from each college as appointed by the dean; the Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, as well as a representatives from Finance/Operations and Institutional Research and Assessment. Appointed members shall serve a three-year renewable term. The curriculum and scheduling staff from the Office of the University Registrar shall also serve as members. The Committee is chaired by the Associate University Registrar for Student Services.
The committee should constitute a cross-section of the university community with special emphasis on those involved in academic scheduling to include deans, department chairs, departmental schedulers, etc
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership |
Daniel Strickland, Chair |
Jim Bailey, Communication & Information Sciences |
Ross Bryan, Honors College |
Daphne Cain, Social Work |
Jennifer Clanton, Office of the University Registrar |
Leslie Davis, Human Environmental Sciences |
Lisa Dorr, Arts & Sciences |
Ken Foshee, Office of the University Registrar |
Martha, Griffith, President’s Office |
Luoheng Han, Academic Affairs |
Robert Hayes, OTIDE |
Clifford Henderson, Engineering |
Lindsey Jones, Community Health Sciences |
Megan Jung, Office of the University Registrar |
Lorne Kuffel, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Katie Lupica-Ewsuk, Office of the University Registrar |
Kay Palan, Business |
Julianna Proctor, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment |
Mark Shepherd, Finance and Operations |
Lisa Tyner, Nursing |
Liza Wilson, Education |
Council of Assistant & Associate Deans
DUTIES: Advise the Office for Academic Affairs (OAA) on matters pertaining to academic policy and administration; serve as a channel for communication among the academic divisions and between the OAA and the various academic divisions.
COMPOSITION: This Council shall include Assistant and Associate Deans from each academic division. The Director and/or Associate Directors from Admissions, CCSS, CIC, Dean of Students, ODS, OIE, OIT and OUR will serve as ex officio members. The Council is chaired by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Chair: Dr. Luoheng Han
Arts and Sciences
Lisa Lindquist-Dorr
Tricia McElroy
Utz McKnight
Lisa Pawloski
Roger Sidje
Raymond White
Albert Pionke
College of Business
Samuel Addy
Shawn Mobbs
Kathy Deck
James King
Sharif Melouk
Adam Farmer
Damion Waymer
Jim Bailey
Andrew Billings
Community Health Sciences
Caroline Boxmeyerer
Martha R. Crowther
Grier Stewart
Thomas Weida
Karen Burgess
Office of Teaching Innovation and Digital Education
Amanda Ingram
Victoria Lewis
David Hardy
Joy Burnham
Emily Sims
Tim Haskew
Sandy Pettit
Derek Williamson
Mark Barkey
Graduate School
Andrew Goodliffe
Andre Denham
Emmett Lodree
Honors College
Ross Bryan
Cassandra Smith
Valerie Tisdale
Human Environmental Sciences
Robert Laird
Jeannine Lawrence
Deidre Leaver-Dunn
Melissa Wilmarth
Claude Arrington
Casey Duncan
Anita Kay Head
Grace Lee
Dan Powell
Candice Robbins
Nathan Smart
Megan Walsh
Joel Nichols
Robin Bartlett
Michelle Cheshire
Amy Lee
Susan Welch
Mercy Mumba
Social Work
Sebrena Jackson
Nicole Ruggiano
University Libraries
Michael Arthur
Emily Decker
LTC James Lambertsen
COL James Horn
Ex Officio Members
Ginger Bishop
Ivon Foster
Vanessa Goepel
Mary Ellen Hanna
Kat Gillan
Denny Savage
Daniel Strickland
Teresa Wise
Ruperto Perez
Chris Coleman
Jim Landers
Council of Deans
DUTIES: Advise the Office for Academic Affairs (OAA) on matters pertaining to academic policy and administration and serve as a channel for communication among the academic divisions and between the OAA and the various academic divisions.
COMPOSITION: Deans from each academic division.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership | |
Joseph Messina | College of Arts & Sciences |
Kay Palan | Culverhouse College of Business |
Brian Butler | College of Communication & Information Sciences |
Richard Friend | College of Community Health Sciences |
Joyce Alexander | College of Education |
Clifford Henderson | College of Engineering |
Susan Carvalho | Graduate School |
Tiffany Sippial | Honors College |
Stuart Usdan | College of Human Environmental Sciences |
William S. Brewbaker III | Law School |
Julie Sanform | Capstone College of Nursing |
Schnavia Hatcher | School of Social Work |
Don Gilstrap | University Libraries |
Human Relations Council
DUTIES: Serve as a focal point for awareness of human relations at the University. Review activities and initiatives on campus and disseminate information to the appropriate standing committees. Assist the committees in their efforts to improve human relations and help them coordinate activities across the campus as deemed advisable.
COMPOSITION: The committee shall consist of the following members: Director, Crossroads Community Center; Chairperson, Equal Opportunity Committee; Chairperson, Undergraduate Programs and Services Committee; Chairperson, Student and Campus Life Committee; Chairperson, International Education Committee; President, Black Faculty and Staff Association; Chair, Gender and Race Studies; Associate Dean of Students; and Director, International Students and Scholars Services. The liaison members will be Vice President for Community Affairs and the Assistant Provost for International Education & Global Outreach.
Student Members will be Presidents from the following organizations: International Student Association, SGA, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Black Student Union. Also included in the membership shall be a Faculty Senate representative and three community representatives.
Membership |
Lane McLelland, Director, Crossroad Community Center |
Ralph Hooper, Chair, Equal Opportunity Committee |
Stephanie Turner, Chair, Undergraduate Programs and Services |
Lacy Sellars, Chair, Student and Campus Life |
Tricia McElroy, Chair, International Education Committee |
Pamela Payne-Foster, Black Faculty and Staff Association |
Utz McKnight, (Rep) Chair, Gender and Race Studies |
Stacey Jones, Associate Dean of Students |
Charter Morris, Director, International Students and Scholars Services |
Samory Pruitt – VP for Community Affairs, Liaison |
Teresa Wise, Associate Provost, International Education & Global Outreach, Liaison |
Thomas Herwig – Assistant Professor, Honors College, Faculty Senate Representative |
Community Members |
Creighton Alexander |
Lisa Besnoy |
Penny Ford |
Student Members |
Madeline Martin, President, Student Government Association |
Cherie White, President, National Pan-Hellenic Council |
Anthony Williams II, President, Black Student Union |
Omid Reyhanigalangashi, President, International Student Association |
Interim Program Coordinating Council
DUTIES: Serve as a screening committee to review course proposals and to recommend courses offered each year by the Interim Program. Advise the Director of the Interim Program and the Office for Academic Affairs on matters concerning Interim Program policies and procedures.
COMPOSITION: This committee consists of representatives from each school and college, appointed by their respective deans and a Faculty Senate representative. It is chaired by the Director of the Interim Program.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership |
Jim Dalton, Executive Vice President & Provost, Chair |
Brenda Hunter, Associate University Registrar, Academic Affairs, Co-Chair |
Alice March, Assistant Dean, Nursing |
Javonda Williams, Program Chair, Social Work |
Beth Bennett, Senior Associate Dean, C&IS |
Ken Foshee, University Registrar |
Kristy Pritchett, Director, Receivables & Collections |
Brook Hubner, Senior Registrar, CCHS |
Vicki Peeples, Assistant Dean, HES |
Cathy Pagani, Associate Dean, Graduate School |
Liza Wilson, Senior Associate Dean, Education |
Claude Arrington, Associate Dean, School of Law |
Ken Fridley, Associate Dean, Engineering |
Tricia McElroy, Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences |
Tom Wilson, Associate Dean, University Libraries |
Judy Thorpe, Director, Disability Services |
Barbara Dahlbach – Associate Professor, University Libraries, Faculty Senate Representative |
Honors College |
Business |
Educator Preparation Council
*Formerly UA Teacher Education Council
DUTIES: The Council advises the President and Executive Vice President and Provost on matters relating to teacher education. In addition, the Council provides guidance regarding the report of the President’s Commission on Teacher Education.
COMPOSITION: The Council consists of two public school superintendents, the top certification officer for the State, a State Board of Education member, a representative from the Office for Academic Affairs, a Faulty Senate representative, five faculty and administrators from the College of Arts and Sciences, and six faculty and administrators from the College of Education. The majority of representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education shall be faculty.
Peter Hlebowitsh, Chairperson
Tuscaloosa City Schools Superintendent
Mike Daria
Tuscaloosa County Schools Superintendent
Keri Johnson
State Department of Education
Amanda Inabinett
State Board of Education District 4
Yvette Richardson
State Board of Education District 7
Belinda McRae
Office for Academic Affairs
James Dalton
Faculty Senate Representative
Julie Bannerman
College of Arts and Sciences
Lisa Dorr
Raymond White
Tricia McElroy
Joseph Messina
Utz McKnight
Roger Sidje
Lisa Pawloski
College of Education
Nicole Swoszowski
Miguel Mantero
Liza Wilson
Jonathan Wingo
Michael Sulkowski
College of Engineering
Jeff Gray
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Stuart Usdan
Robert Laird
School of Library and Information Studies
Steven Yates
Office of Teaching Innovation and Digital Education
Robert Hayes
Office of Student Services
Emily Sims
*Name officially changed by unanimous vote at the Friday, April 1, 2022 meeting of the UA Educator Preparation Council.
Technology & Learning Committee
DUTIES: Evaluate, promote and implement the use of technology in the teaching and learning process for students, faculty, staff and administrators.
COMPOSITION: Every college Dean shall appoint at least two representatives, one faculty member and an instructional technology support person. In addition, there shall be representation from the University Libraries, the Center for Instructional Technology, the Office of Disability Services, University Supply Store, Office of Institutional Research & Assessment, the Faculty Senate, and Enrollment Management-Testing and Technology Support Services.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Provost, through Vice Provost and Chief Information Officer
Membership |
Rachel Thompson, Director of CIT, Chair |
Allison Curington, Academic Affairs |
Amanda Atkins, UA Online |
Amy LeePard, CIT |
Amy McLean, Social Work |
Andrew Richardson, A&S |
Anwarul Haque, Engineering |
Barrett Elder, OIT |
Becky Atkinson, Education |
Bob Pucko, Libraries |
Brittany Gregg, ODS |
Carl Hancock, Music |
Chris Coleman, Institutional Effectiveness |
Christopher Blackmon, Social Work |
Craig Graves, HES |
Cris Porter, Engineering |
D. Jay Cervino, OIT |
Emy Decker, Libraries |
Erin Warner, CIT |
Greg Goldstein, C&IS |
Greg McDonald, AVS |
Heather Hubbard, Human Resources |
James Hardin, Education |
Jason Phillips, OIRA |
Jennifer Roth-Burnette, Capstone Center for Student Success |
John Baker, CCB |
John McGowan, OIT |
Judah Siekkinen, Capstone Center for Student Success |
Karen Burns, CIT |
Kathy Deck, CCB |
Keith Sims, Student Account Services |
Kerri Heritage, Nursing |
Kimberly Smalley, CIT |
Lindsey Hughey, ODS |
Mark Magrini, ACCESS |
Matt Ander, Nursing |
Melissa Fortson, CIT |
Nathan Loewen, A&S |
Patrick McIntyre, Nursing |
Robert Riter, SLIS |
Sebrena Jackson, Social Work |
Shane Miesse, Libraries |
Sonya Dunkin, OTIDE |
Taylor Anderson, OIT Security |
Terry Davis, Law |
Timothy Salazar, OTIDE |
Tracie Sellers, Education |
Vanessa Goepel, ODS |
Zachary Potts, OIT |
Liaison Member(s)
Ivon Foster-McGowan – Asst to Provost for Special Projects