Committees that advise broad campus programs or offices.
Committees that are included in the faculty/staff committee preference survey and whose membership is recommended to the President by the Committee on University Committees.
Unless specified by an asterisk (*), recommendations for membership on these committees will be approved by the Committee on Committees, and these committees will be included in the faculty/staff committee preference survey.
For information on committees and committee members, please click on the committee name listed. To submit committee updates, email Christie Crowe at
- Awards Committee
- Campus Master Plan Committee
- Campus Security and Safety Committee
- Committee on University Committees
- Committee on External Scholarships and Fellowships*
- Equal Opportunity Committee
- Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee
- Information Technology Committee
- International Education Committee
- Libraries Committee
- Parking and Transportation Committee
- Student and Campus Life Committee
- Student Health Committee
- University Recreation Committee

Awards Committee
DUTIES: Recommend to the Vice President for Student Life recipients for the Algernon Sidney Sullivan, the William P. Bloom, the John Ramsey, the Morris Lehman Mayer, the Judy Bonner, and the Catherine J. Randall Awards.
COMPOSITION: This committee, consisting of at least fifteen members, shall include faculty, staff, and student representatives and a representative from the Faculty Senate. In addition, liaison members shall include the Vice President for Advancement, and the Senior Associate Vice President for Student Life, or their representatives. The Boards of Directors of both the Morris L. Mayer Award and the John Fraser Ramsey Award shall recommend for appointment to the committee a representative of each respective board who shall serve as an ex officio member of the committee. The board members recommended to serve need not be employees of The University of Alabama.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President for Student Life
Membership | |
Mary Meares, Chair, Associate Professor, C&IS 2025 | |
Si Wu, Professor, Chemistry, A&S | |
Megan Bailey, Assistant Professor, Honors 2025 | |
Rebecca Ballard, Director, College Relations, Education 2026 | |
James Gerard Caillier, Professor, Political Science, A&S 2027 | |
Laura McNeill, Assistant Professor, Education 2027 | |
Precious Bailey, Administrative Assistant II, A&S Deans Office 2027 | |
Nirmala Erevelles, Professor, Education 2026 | |
Sara Hartley, Associate Dean and Professor, C&IS 2027 | |
Abby Horton, Assistant Professor, Nursing 2025 | |
Maria Azrad, Assistant Professor, HES 2026 | |
Vickie Samuel, Coordinator, Grad. Student Services, Nursing 2026 | |
Amber Buck, Associate Professor, A&S, 2025 | |
Meenakshi Arora, Associate Professor, CCHS, Faculty Senate Representative | |
Amber Todd, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Student Membership |
Nick Smith |
Jensyn Seay |
Alex Cheng |
Lilly Noble |
Tre Turner |
Emma Ridley |
Ex Officio Members:
Ken Grodner
John Bolus
Liaison Members:
Ruperto “Toti” Perez, Student Affairs Associate Vice President
Bob Pierce, Vice President for Advancement
Campus Master Plan Committee
COMPOSITION: This committee, consisting of up to nineteen members, shall include seven faculty members, representatives of the staff and local community, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, a Graduate Student Association representative, and an OCT Staff Assembly representative. There shall be three student representatives; one who lives off campus, one who lives in a residence hall, and one who lives in a fraternity or sorority house. Consideration shall be given to geographic locations on campus in selecting University membership. Included in the membership in an ex officio capacity are the following: Academic Affairs Representative, Student Government Representative, Vice President for Community Affairs, Senior Associate VP for Campus Development, and Director of Housing & Residential Communities. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: President, through the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Vice President for Financial Affairs
DUTIES: Advise the President and the University administration on the implementation, revision, and updating of the Campus Master Plan and Campus Landscape Master Plan; review proposed additions and changes to campus physical facilities, particularly for their adherence to the planning and development guidelines established in the Campus Master Plan; and submit recommendations for appropriate action to be taken on these proposals.
Membership |
Jane Weida, Professor, CCHS 2025, Faculty Co-Chair |
Marina Klaric, Archival Technician, Libraries 2026, Staff Co-Chair |
Laurl Self, Instructor, HES 2026 |
Jil Chambless, Instructor 2027 |
Kim Lackey, Associate Professor, A&S 2026 |
Patton Beck, Clinical Assistant Professor, Education 2027 |
Paige Acker, Director, University Programs, Student Life 2027 |
John Vincent, Professor, A&S 2025 |
Latoya Scott, Associate VP, DEI 2026 |
Nicole Swoszowski, Professor, Education 2026 |
Mikayla Cain, Administrative Assistant, OCTSA Representative |
Serena Blount, Senior Instructor, A&S, Faculty Senate Representative |
Gabi Gonzalez, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Stephen Reinhart, Community Member |
Briant Pendley, PSA Representative |
Ian Jobst, Residence Hall Representative |
Reagan Wells, Greek House Representative |
Quinn Lee, Off Campus Representative |
Ex Officio Members
Jordan Johnson, Associate Provost, Academic Affairs
Samad Gillani, SGA Representative
Matthew Kerch, Executive Director, Housing & Residential Communities
Tim Leopard, Senior Associate Vice President for Campus Development
Samory Pruitt, VP for Community Affairs
Campus Security & Safety Committee
DUTIES: Advise the University administration, especially the offices of Student Affairs and Financial Affairs, on all matters pertaining to campus safety and security in general, and on student safety and security within and around residence halls, fraternity/sorority houses, recreation facilities, libraries, Ferguson Center, and student parking lots in particular. Specifically, this committee is responsible for the following:
1. Review, evaluate, and provide recommendations on campus safety and security on the University campus to the University administration.
2. Examine and give feedback on student safety and security awareness programs on a continuing basis.
3. Assess and submit suggestions regarding foot, bicycle and motor vehicle traffic as well as transportation systems when and where warranted.
4. Evaluate and ensure that appropriate safety infrastructure (lighting, emergency phones, etc.) is available and operational.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of seventeen voting members. Faculty and staff members will include three faculty and two staff representatives, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, an OCT Staff Assembly representative, a Student and Campus Life Committee faculty representative, and a Retired Faculty/Staff representative. Student members will include two representatives from Greek Affairs, a Residence Hall Association representative (Men’s), a Residence Hall Association representative (Women’s), a Student Government Association representative, and two Graduate Student Association representatives, for a total of seven. There shall be ten ex officio members. Ex officio members will include a University Department of Public Safety representative, the Director of Risk Management, a Center for Advanced Public Safety (CAPS) representative, Office of Student Life representative, Housing and Residential Communities representative, Building/Grounds/Maintenance Department representative, Campus Planning Office representative, Women’s Resource Center Director, Student Health Center representative, and the Manager of Wellness and Work-Life. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President for Student Life
Membership |
Bill Bergeron, Assistant Professor, Education 2025, Faculty Co-Chair |
Valerie Trull, Project Director, Social Work 2025, Staff Co-Chair |
Lucy Barnard-Brak, Professor, Education 2026 |
Russell Smith, Assistant Director, Residential Life 2026 |
Jaunita McMath, Assistant Professor, HES 2026 |
Jenni Northam, Instructor, Business, Faculty Senate Representative |
Brandon Wingler, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Leah McCool, OCTSA Representative |
Bill McDonald, Retired Faculty/Staff Representative |
Soloman Sesesle Ajasa, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Mary Elizabeth Miller, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Student Membership Representatives |
Elle Moore, Greek Affairs |
Matt Scarpelli, Greek Affairs |
Chad Fortin, Men’s Residence Hall Association |
Lindsey Stinson, Women’s Residence Hall Association |
Chase Cowart, SGA |
Ex Officio Members
Matthew Kerch, Director, Housing & Residential Communities
Bryant Anderson, Bldg/Grounds/Maintenance Dept. representative
Paula Perry, Assoc. Director, Student Conduct
John Hooks/designee, Chief, University Police Department
Wade Bond, Director, Risk Management
Elle Shaaban-Magana, Exec. Director, Women’s and Gender Resource Center
Delynn Wilcox, Assistant Director, Student Health Center
Jeremy Pate/designee, Director, Center for Advanced Public Safety
Carolyn MacVicar, Manager, Wellness and Work-Life
Bonner Lee, Campus Planning Office Rep
Committee on University Committees
DUTIES: The Committee shall make recommendations to the President on the organization, membership, and duties of assigned standing committees, review and recommend any needed committee composition description changes as part of its annual duties and ensure that the committee compositions it recommends conform to the descriptions given in The University of Alabama Standing Committees document. In addition, this committee shall be a resource for committee chairs.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of five faculty and four staff members, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, an OCT Staff Assembly member, a Graduate Student Association representative and the SGA VP for Academic Affairs. New faculty members are nominated by the Faculty Senate. The CUC Chair will provide a list of faculty interested in service on the CUC to the Faculty Senate President prior to the Senate’s February meeting. The Senate may select nominees from the list of interested faculty or provide its own candidates. The Senate President will communicate the Senate’s choices to the CUC Chair in March prior to the staffing meeting. In addition, the following ex officio members shall serve in a communications and advisory capacity: Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Executive Vice President and Provost. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee. The faculty and staff co-chairs of the committee are elected by the full voting committee membership from the pool of continuing faculty and staff members on the committee. The election takes place at the final meeting of the spring semester, with the new co-chairs assuming their duties at the end of spring semester.
REPORTING CHANNEL: President, through the Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership |
Jaber Abu Qahouq, Professor, Engineering, A&S 2025, Faculty Co-Chair |
Jake Paul, Senior Director of Development, A&S 2026, Staff Co-Chair |
Sarah Kaylor, Associate Professor, Nursing 2027 |
Stacy Alley, Professor, A&S 2026 |
Tara Rose, Campbell, Program Asst., Student Affairs 2025 |
Ruth Pionki, Director, Strategic Initiatives, Social Work 2027 |
Joni Lakin, Associate Professor, Education 2025 |
Heather Kopelson, Associate Professor, A&S, 2026 |
Lori Hill, Student Life Business Services 2027 |
Heaven Cauble, Graduate Student Assembly Representative |
Kim Colburn, Instructor, A&S, Faculty Senate Representative |
Heidi Benstead, Professional Staff Assembly |
Debbie Fish, Program Asst., Women and Gender Resource Center, OCTSA Representative |
Cassidy Matwiyoff, SGA Representative |
Ex Officio Members
Jim Dalton, Executive VP and Provost
Susan Norton, Assoc VP for Human Resources
Christie Crow, Administrative Specialist, Office for Academic Affairs
Committee on External Scholarship & Fellowships
DUTIES: Recruit or otherwise identify, nominate, advise, interview and, when required, endorse competitive undergraduate and graduate students for national and international external awards. These include but are not limited to Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Truman, Goldwater, Gates-Cambridge, Churchill, Clarendon, Boren, Udall and Critical Languages Scholarships. Recommend to the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs improved methods of recruiting, advising, nominating and supporting candidates for these and similar external award programs.
COMPOSITION: The Director of the Office of External Scholarships and Fellowships chairs the Committee. The Executive Vice President & Provost or their designee appoints the committee’s membership. Members are appointed for a three-year renewable term. The Committee Chair will form subcommittees as needed to handle different categories of awards, e.g., international, national security, NSF and STEM scholarships, UK scholarships, Asia scholarships, etc.
Broad membership from across The University of Alabama faculty is desirable for recruitment of diverse, competitive student applicants. To that end, ten (10) members will be broadly representative of the University’s faculty. In addition to these, the Committee will include one appointed member from each of the following (6): Honors College, Capstone International, the Blount Scholars Program, the Graduate Council, the Undergraduate Council and the Faculty Senate. Campus Representatives for specific awards (Fulbright, Rhodes, Truman, Marshall, Mitchell, Gilman, etc.) serve as permanent ex officio members.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost via Honors College Dean
Membership |
Tiffany Sippial, Honors College Dean |
Lucy Kaufman (Marshall), Committee Chair & Director, Office of External Scholarships & Fellowships, History, Associate Professor, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Evan Clark (Mitchell, Truman), Committee Co-Chair & Asst. Director, Office of External Scholarships & Fellowship, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Susan Dewey, Graduate Council, 2023-2024 |
David Dixon, Chemistry, Professor, 2023-2026 |
Matthew Feminella (Fulbright), German, Associate Professor, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Jeff Gray (Goldwater), Director, Randall Research Scholars Program, Computer Science, Professor, 2023-2026 |
Tayler Kent (Boren, CLS), Capstone International Center, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
John Kim (Churchill), Chemical & Biological Engineering, Associate Professor, 2023-2026 |
Megan Legerski (Fulbright), Capstone International Center, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Allen Linken, Political Science, Associate Professor, 2023-2026 |
Martha Makowski, Math, Associate Professor, 2023-2026 |
James McNaughton, English, Professor, 2023-2026 |
Tara Mock (Udall), Africana Studies, Honors, Assistant Professor 2023-2026 |
Katie O’Harra, Undergraduate Council, 2023-2024 |
Katrina Ramonell, Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, 2023-2026 |
Carolina Robinson (Gilman), Director, Education Abroad , Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Brad Tuggle (Rhodes, Gates Cambridge), English, Honors, Associate Professor, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Heath Turner, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Professor, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Stan Westjohn, Marketing & International Business, Associate Professor, 2023-2026 |
Fred Whiting, Blount, English, Associate Professor, Permanent Ex Officio Member |
Sara Whitver, Faculty Senate, Libraries, Associate Professor, 2023-2025 |
John Yoder, Biological Sciences, 2021-2024 |
Equal Opportunity Committee
DUTIES: Provide advice to the President on University policies and practices related to equal employment opportunity and equal educational opportunity.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of no more than fourteen members and include representatives from the faculty, staff, students, the Faculty Senate, the Professional Staff Assembly, and the OCT Staff Assembly. In addition, the University Title IX Compliance Officer shall serve ex officio and an ex officio group composed of appropriate administrators will work with this committee. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership |
Sheila Black, Associate Professor, A&S 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Aislinn O’Donohoe, Assistant Professor, A&S 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Hannah Berman, Manager of Online Recruitment, OTIDE, Staff Co-Chair, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Tammy Perry-Fowler, Instructor, Education 2027 |
Cassandra Simon, Associate Professor, Social Work 2025 |
Shayla Smith, Field Coordinator, Social Work 2025 |
Lisa Young, Advisor, OTIDE 2025 |
Tamela Wilson, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Anil Mujumdar, Assistant Professor, Law School, Faculty Senate Representative |
Jenna Lewis, OCTSA Representative |
Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Aubrei Grisaffe, Student Member |
Julia Dominguez, Student Member |
Pawonee Khadka, Student Member |
Beth Howard, University Title IX Compliance Officer, Ex Officio Member |
Faculty & Staff Benefits Committee
DUTIES: Advise the Vice President for Financial Affairs on University benefit programs. Keep the faculty and staff informed as to the current status of these programs.
COMPOSITION: This committee consists of eighteen representatives of the University faculty and staff from all divisions, a graduate student, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, an OCT Staff Assembly representative, a Facilities & Maintenance representative, a retired faculty member, and a retired staff member. In addition, the Director of the Wellness and Health Promotion Program, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, the Director of Government Relations, and the Manager of Benefits shall serve as ex officio members. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President for Finance and Operations
Membership |
Thomas Weida, Academic Associate Dean, CCHS 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Krista Trimm, Assist. Dir. of Student Affairs and Medical Ed., CCHS 2026, Staff Co-Chair |
Sandi Estes, Clinical Assistant Professor, Nursing 2026 |
Tamer Elsayed, Associate Professor, CCHS 2025 |
Cindy Franks, Administrative Secretary, A&S 2025 |
Darlene Hicks, Office Associate II, Education 2026 |
Megan Welborn, Director, OTIDE, 2027 |
Kevin Welborn, Assistant Professor, A&S 2027 |
Jill Lancaster, Academic Advisor, Education 2027 |
Maura Mills, Associate Professor, Business 2025 |
Nancy Payne, Instructor, Social Work, 2025 |
Julie Bannerman, Assistant Professor, A&S 2027 |
Emily Rothenbacher, Institutional Research Analyst, Academic Affairs 2026 |
Qiuhua (Lisa) Duan, Associate Professor, Engineering 2027 |
Diana Leung, Associate Professor, A&S 2027 |
Jessika White, Marketing & Communications Manager, OTIDE 2026 |
Anthony Wiley, Jr., Building Maintenance, FA 2027 |
Daphne Wright, Contract Administrator, Finance & Operations 2025 |
Davin Nabizadeh, GSA Representative |
Rona Donahoe, Professor, A&S, Faculty Staff Representative |
Jackie Northrup, Assistant Director, WGRC, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Kim Thrower, Accounting Assistant, Business, OCTSA Representative |
Collin Sewell, Manager, Building Maintenance, Facilities & Maintenance Representative |
Dan Meissner, Retired Faculty Member |
Marie Robbins, Retired Staff Member |
Ex Officio Members
Sandra Abrams, Assistant Director of Benefits
Erica Shumate, Director of Benefits
Susan Norton, Senior Associate VP & Chief Human Resources Officer
Charlie Taylor, Vice Chancellor, External Affairs
Jennifer Richardson, Administrative Specialist
Charlie Taylor, Vice Chancellor for Governmental Affairs
Information Technology Committee
DUTIES: Actively participate in forming an engaging, proactive information technology vision for the University of Alabama. Facilitate communication to/from faculty, staff, students and other IT Governance committees and OIT on information technology issues. Provide feedback and input on information technology initiatives on campus. Study, review, and recommend to the Provost/Executive Vice President and the Vice Provost for Information Technology policies and implementation plans related to information technology on the campus with particular attention given to the instructional and research needs of faculty, staff and students.
COMPOSITION: The committee shall consist of twenty voting members. Membership will include nine faculty members, five professional staff members, three students (2 undergraduate, 1 graduate) from diverse academic divisions, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, and an OCT Staff Assembly representative. The Provost/Executive Vice President shall appoint one department chair as an ex-officio committee member. One representative from the Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology will serve in an ex-officio, non-voting role. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice Provost for Information Technology
Membership |
Marco Bonizzoni, Assistant Professor, A&S 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Peter Pierre, Registrar, Engineering 2026, Staff Co-Chair |
Michael Avant, Registrar, School of Law 2025 |
Rebecca Britt, Associate Dean, C&IS 2027 |
Lance Simpson, Assistant Professor, Libraries 2027 |
Nancy Brinson, Assistant Professor, C&IS 2025 |
Karen Burns, Assistant Director, CIT 2026 |
Brian Clark, Assistant Professor, Libraries 2025 |
KC Culver, Assistant Professor, Education 2026 |
Emily Doran, Fund Specialist, Advancement 2025 |
Courtney Dilgard, Assitant Professor, Education 2027 |
Rachel Thompson, Director of CIT, OAA 2025 |
Kellin Treadway, Instructor, A&S 2026 |
Courtney McGahey, Assistant Professor, HES, Faculty Senate Representative |
Julie Salter, Assistant Director, Student Media, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Debbie Fish, Admin. Asst. II, Women & Gender Res. Cntr., OCTSA Representative |
Vamsi Krishna Undavalli, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Daniel Tsark, Undergraduate Student Representative |
Karthik Gaur, Undergraduate Student Representative |
Ex Officio Members
Ivon Foster-McGowan, OIT Instructional Technology
International Education Committee
DUTIES: Assist the administration in promoting, supporting, and encouraging the international life of the campus and the enhancement of the overseas experiences of UA students, as well as the enrichment of the on-campus experiences of UA international students. The IEC accomplishes this mission through promoting awareness of and advocacy for international activities, both curricular and co-curricular, at The University of Alabama. The committee will review and support international activities at the individual college level, as well as identify opportunities to contribute to the overall growth of international education and global awareness for students, staff and faculty of The University of Alabama.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of one faculty representative from each of the following colleges and schools: (Representation will be selected by the Committee on University Committees, with consultation with the Deans when necessary) Arts & Sciences, Business, Communication and Information Sciences, Community Health Sciences, Education, Engineering, Honors, Human Environmental Sciences, Law, Nursing and Social Work. Other faculty and staff members include: (a) the Faculty Senate representative, (b) the Professional Staff Assembly representative and (c) an OCT Staff Assembly representative. The committee shall also include three student representatives, with one student appointed by the International Student Association, one student appointed by the SGA, and one student appointed by the GSA who have demonstrated commitment to international education such as participation in a study-abroad program. The membership should also include two community members, appointed through the President’s Office. Ex officio members (or that person’s designee) shall include the following: Associate Provost for International Education and Global Outreach as standing co-chair, Director of the Crossroads Civic Engagement Center, Graduate School Representative, Director, Education Abroad, Vice President for Community Affairs, Office of International Students and Scholars, Director, English Language Institute, Housing and Residential Communities representative, Undergraduate International Admissions Officer, Graduate International Admissions Officer and University Registrar. The administrative ex officio shall be non-voting members. A faculty member shall chair the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership |
John Latta, Assistant Professor, Honors 2025, Chair |
Karri Holley, Education, 2027 |
John Burgess, Assistant Professor, C&IS 2025 |
Stephen Caldiero, Instructor, A&S 2026 |
Memorie Gosa, A&S 2027 |
Rana Eloubeidi, Clinical Assistant Professor, Education 2026 |
John Higginbotham, Director, Institute for Rural Health, CCHS 2025 |
Kelly Schoger, Associate Professor, A&S 2027 |
Tania Alameda-Lawson, Associate Professor, SW 2025 |
Md Sharif, Engineering 2027 |
Michelle Rose, Instructor, HES 2026 |
Brandon Thompson, A&S 2026 |
Ibrahim Cemen, Professor, A&S, Faculty Senate Representative |
Tristan Grammer, Academic Advisor I, Overseas Studies, Professional Staff Assembly |
Allyson Holiday, OCTSA Representative |
Karim Panjawani, SGA representative, Student Member |
Abiodun Wahab, International Student Association Representative, Student Member |
Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Mandi Pruthi, Community Member |
Minda Paxton, Community Member |
Ex Officio Members
Matthew Kerch, Executive Director, Housing and Residential Communities
Michelle Awondo, Assistant Director, International Admissions & Recruitment
Susan Carvalho, Dean, Graduate School
Ken Foshee, University Registrar, Student Records
Lane McLelland, Director, Crossroads Civic Engagement Center
Samory Pruitt, Vice President for Community Affairs
Teresa Wise, Associate Provost for International Education & Global Outreach
Amy Taylor, Director, English Language Institute
Amanda Maltbie, International Graduate Admissions Officer
Carolina Robinson, Director, International Education Abroad
Charter Morris, Director, International Services
Libraries Committee
DUTIES: Study library needs in view of the academic programs and advise the Provost/Academic Vice President and the Dean of Libraries on matters of general library resources, (i.e., staffing needs in the library, service needs such as freshman library orientation, the operating budget of the library, the conditions of storage and the means which may best integrate the library program with the research, instructional, and service activities of the institution.)
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of a maximum of six faculty and staff who are representative of broad University interests; including three individuals who represent the humanities/performing arts, social/behavioral sciences, and natural sciences/math. In addition, this committee shall consist of representatives selected by the deans from each academic division; plus two undergraduate students, two graduate students, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, and an OCT Staff Assembly representative. The following shall serve in an ex officio capacity: Dean of Libraries and Dean of the Graduate School. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Executive Vice President and Provost
Membership |
Anne Franklin Lamar, Instructor, Honors 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Rhonda Crim, Director of Alumni Publications, Advancement 2026, Staff Co-Chair |
Carla Atkinson, Associate Professor, A&S 2027 |
Steve Tedeschi, Associate Professor, A&S 2027 |
Benjamin Northrup, Operations Manager, Libraries 2025 |
Paul Pecorino, Professor of Economics, Business, College Representative |
Andrea Wright, Associate Professor, CCHS, College Representative |
Joi Mahand, Assistant Director of SLIS Academic Programs, C&IS, College Representative |
Andrew Wilson, OTIDE, College Representative |
James Hardin, Clinical Associate Professor, Education, College Representative |
Steve Bunker, Graduate School, College Representative |
Ellen McKinney, Professor, HES, College Representative |
Brad Tuggle, Associate Professor, Honors, College Representative |
Amy McLean, Instructor, Social Work, College Representative |
Janet Brown, Assistant Professor, Nursing, College Representative |
Casey Duncan, Assistant Professor, Law, College Representative |
Tianjiao Lei, Assistant Professor, Engineering, College Representative |
Deborah Weiss, Associate Professor, A&S, College Representative |
Vincent Scalfani, Libraries, College Representative |
Susan Williams, Associate Professor, A&S, Faculty Senate Representative |
Laila Marker, Database Administrator, OIT, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Deletha Edwards, Library Technician, Libraries, University Libraries, OCTSA Representative |
Heaven Cauble, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Caroline Quinn, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Rylen Dempsey, Student Member |
Dillon Cook, Student Member |
Ex Officio Members
Donald Gilstrap, Dean, University Libraries
Susan Carvalho, Associate Provost & Dean, Graduate School
Parking and Transportation Committee
DUTIES: Study, review, and recommend to the Vice President for Financial Affairs policies and practices that guide the development of the parking and transportation systems on University owned properties.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of no more than twenty-five members, including six student representatives (one of which is a graduate student), and a representative of the Faculty Senate, a representative from the Professional Staff Assembly, and a representative from the OCT Staff Assembly. Consideration shall be given to geographic locations on campus in selection of University membership and Faculty-Staff balance in the Appeals Subcommittee. In addition, the following representatives shall serve as ex-officio members: Director of Public Safety, Director of Transportation Services, Campus Landscape Architect, Manager of University Facilities, Retired Faculty Member, City of Tuscaloosa Traffic Engineer, Tuscaloosa Fire and Rescue and an SGA representative. A faculty member and a staff member shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President for Finance and Operations
Membership |
Kayla Glass, Clinical Assistant Professor, Nursing 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Catherine Johnson, Senior Buyer, Purchasing, FA 2026, Staff Co-Chair |
Kelli Ball, A&S 2027 |
Debbie Fish, Student Life 2027 |
Ida Zago, OAA 2027 |
Taylor Smith, Libraries 2027 |
Joe Weber, A&S 2027 |
Michelle Ready, Accounting Assistant, ODS 2027 |
Carrie Barnes, Administrative Specialist & Office Manage, ELI 2025 |
Chelsea Fancher, Asst. Dir. Of Online Program Operations, OTIDE 2025 |
Bob McKinney, Associate Professor, Social Work, 2026 |
Carleen Johnson, Tax Office, Finance and Operations 2025 |
Jim Gleason, Professor, A&S 2026 |
Matthew Valasik, Associate Professor, A&S 2025 |
Mary Louise Waller, Real Estate Develop. Manager, Financial Affairs 2026 |
Rita Yessick, Instructor, Academic Outreach, OTIDE 2025 |
Christy Gordon, Academic Advisor II, Student Services & Certification, Professional Staff Assembly |
Carl Hancock, Professor, A&S, Facutly Senate Representative |
Marina Klaric, Library Technician, Libraries, OCTSA Representative |
Dennis Sunal, TUARA Representative, Retired Faculty Representative |
Davin Nabizadeh, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Student Members |
Autumn Parsons |
Logan Smith |
Christopher Nelson |
Hayley Bender |
Elijah Mitchell |
Ex Officio Members
Ralph Clayton, Associate VP for Public Safety
Randy Smith, Fire Chief, Tuscaloosa Fire and Rescue Services
Chris D’Esposito, Director of Transportation Services
Bonner Lee – Campus Landscape Architect, Planning
Selvin Greene, P.E, City of Tuscaloosa Traffic Engineer
Michael Sumners, Manager, Building Maintenance, Facilities
Jensyn Seay, SGA Representative
Student and Campus Life Committee
DUTIES: Advise the University administration, especially the offices of student life and public safety, concerning issues which have an impact on the quality of student life, the social character, and the development of students.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of eleven faculty/staff persons: four faculty members, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, an OCT Staff Assembly representative and four staff members; 10 student members and eight ex officio members. Student members shall include a student co-chair appointed by VPSA, a Student Life Committee representative, an International Student Association representative, a Queer Student Association representative, a Residence Hall Association (RHA) representative, a SOURCE board representative, the Graduate Student Association President, the Student Government Association VPSA, the Black Student Union President and a Coordinating Council of Honor Societies representative.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President for Student Life
Membership |
Andrew Dewar, Professor, A&S 2026, Faculty Co-Chair |
Lucy Bonhaus, VPSL, SGA Student Co-Chair |
Alicia Browne, Director of Housing Administration, Student Affairs 2026 |
Telisa McWaters, Building & Lab Safety Supervisor, IT/ENG Services 2027 |
Brittany Gregg, Assistant Director, ODS, Academic Affairs 2026 |
Mary Holliday, Academic Advisor, Business 2025 |
Sarah Sahn, Assistant Professor, Libraries, 2025 |
Teresa Granger, Assistant Professor, Education, 2025 |
Kathleen Morris, Instructor, Engineering 2025 |
Soloman Sesesie Ajasa, Graduate Student Assembly Representative |
Dale Dickinson, Associate Professor, CCHS, Faculty Senate Representative |
Megan Shuler, Manager, EMBA Recruitment & Admissions, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Paula Bailey, OCTSA Representative |
Student Members |
Imani Muse, Student Life Committee |
Matilde Tricca, Student, International Student Association |
Bryce Schottelkotte, Student, Queer Student Association |
Eli Naugher, Student, Residence Hall Association |
Sydney Davis, Student, The SOURCE Board |
Jordan Stokes, Student, Black Student Union President |
Paige Pearson, Student, Coordinating Council for Honor Societies |
Avery Thaxton, Student |
Ex Officio Members
Tod Borst, Office of Student Conduct
Tut Wilson, Executive Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life
Stacy Jones, Dean of Students
Delynne Wilcox, Assistant Director, Student Health Center
Matthew Kerch, Executive Director, Housing and Residential Communities
David Blair, Director of Veteran and Military Affairs, Student Life
Rosalind Moore-Miller/designee, Asst. VP for Student Engagement
John Hooks/designee, Chief, UAPD
Student Health Committee
DUTIES: Advise the Vice President, Division of Student Life, on all policies affecting health and health care delivery for students and make recommendations regarding the operating policies, procedures and support for the Student Health Center and Pharmacy.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of no more than twenty members including six to eight faculty and staff; five student representatives, at least one must be a graduate student; a divisional registrar; one Faculty Senate representative; one Professional Staff Assembly representative; and one OCT Staff Assembly representative. The Dean of the Graduate School and Executive Director of the Student Health Center shall serve as ex officio members. One faculty/staff person and one student representative will serve as co-chairs of this committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President of Student Life
Membership |
Emily Lund, Assistant Professor, Nursing 2026 , Faculty Co-Chair |
Wes Bryant, Student Co-Chair |
Krista Fowler, Instructor, Nursing 2027 |
Quincy Hall, Academic Advisor I, Business 2025 |
Paige Johnson, Associate Professor, Nursing 2025 |
Elizabeth Bennett, Instructor, A&S 2027 |
Michael Parrot, Assistant Professor, C&IS |
Melinda Wallace, Executive Director, Financial Compliance, FA 2026 |
Brad Porter, Registrar, Culverhouse College of Business 2025 |
Kristi Acker, Clinical Associate Professor, Nursing, Faculty Senate Representative |
Jennifer Roth-Burnette, Director, First Year Compass Course, OAA, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Monique Horton, Administrative Assistant II, University Programs, OCTSA Representative |
Caroline Quinn, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Diweng Mercy Dafong, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Maggie Duncan, Student Member |
Hannah Adams, Student Member |
Gracie Sunde, Student Member |
Ex Officio Members
Susan Carvalho, Associate Provost & Dean, Graduate School
Karen Burgess, Executive Director, Student Health Center
University Recreation Committee
DUTIES: Advise the Director of University Recreation and the Vice President for Student Affairs regarding the programmatic issues of Recreational Sports, Recreation Services, and the operations of the University Aquatic Center and the Student Recreation Center. Provide specific advisory guidance with respect to the development and coordination of facility expansion planning and review, membership fees and policy and procedures of each of the programmatic elements of University recreation.
COMPOSITION: This committee shall consist of no more than eighteen members, including at least six representatives from the faculty and staff, five student representatives, including a Graduate Student Association representative, a Faculty Senate representative, a Professional Staff Assembly representative, and an OCT Staff Assembly representative. In addition, the following shall serve as an ex-officio member: Director, University Recreation; Director, Tuscaloosa P.A.R.A., or their representatives; Manager of Wellness and Work-Life and one community representative will be included. One faculty/staff person and one student representative will serve as co-chairs of this committee.
REPORTING CHANNEL: Vice President for Student Life
Membership |
Bill Martin, Associate Professor, A&S 2025, Faculty Co-Chair |
Lauren Rhodes, Student Co-Chair |
Brittany Adams, Assistant Professor, Education 2027 |
Karleigh Riesen, Assistant Professor, Libraries 2025 |
Lisa Tyner, Administrative Specialist, Nursing 2026 |
Jay Waters, Senior Instructor, C&IS 2026 |
Leah Connell, Instructor, New College, A&S 2027 |
Gayle Faught, Assistant Professor, A&S, Faculty Senate Representative |
Brian Cox, Research Project Manager CHMA, Professional Staff Assembly Representative |
Anna Locklier-McJenkin, Administrative Specialist, Student Life, OCTSA Representative |
Gabi Gonzalez, Graduate Student Association Representative |
Lucas Weldon, Student Member |
Charlie Beth Pruett, Student Member |
Walker Parsons, Student Member |
Barry Lawrence, Community Representative |
Ex Officio Members
Scott Elliott, Executive Director, University Recreation
Brian C. Davis, Executive Director, Tuscaloosa PARA
Carolyn MacVicar, Manager of Wellness and Work-Life